Frontal, primitive, homophobia inside chavismo: Bernal as poster boy ~ BeritaSeo

I have been telling you that chavismo is homophobic, strongly homophobic, as are all these authoritarian to neo-totalitarian systems. Today the words of representative Bernal would have him resign within 24 hours from his public positions in any civilized country. Of course, in Russia or Iran those words could be considered as wise, I suppose. But in Venezuela unfortunately it may not go further than the twitter storm tonight.
Bernal (left) is not the lone
homophobe inside chavismo

Freddy Bernal, former mayor of Caracas and now one of its National Assembly representatives, has always been a violent character, from his previous support to coup mongers like Chavez, to organizing the "colectivos" of Caracas which are nothing but an armed thug militia. Under his 8 years tenure Caracas went, of course, from bad to worse, but the regime did establish a firm rein on the political activities within. Now, for example, an opposition politician cannot go publicly to Bolivar square downtown for some wreath ceremony.

To add insult to injury Bernal is also a former cop, of the corrupt type. And now he is in charge of some commission to restructure police in Caracas. Whatever, the man has no credibility outside the groups that need dirty jobs done at which he seems to excel. Unfortunately he is a public figure, an elected representative and as such his position would require a minimum of self control. One thing is to insult Obama and the US for political expediency, another one is to admit that gay Venezuelans are second class citizens. Let's look at his words. In an interview today at pro regime Globovision he said the following:

“Sí, puede ser funcionario policial, siempre y cuando no manifieste públicamente su apetencia sexual, porque imagínate un funcionario que quiera ponerse camisa rosada o pintarse los labios”
Yes, [a gay person] can be a police officer as long as he does not state publicly his sexual appetites [note: not orientation, not even preference] because, imagine an officer that wants to put on a pink shirt or wear lipstick
“No sé en otras partes del mundo pero en Venezuela, eso no va ni con nuestra cultura” “cada quien tiene derecho a la libre determinación sexual”.
I do not know about other parts of the world but in Venezuela that does not even go with our culture [wrong grammar preserved as possible]. Everyone has a right to his free sexual determination/choice.
Yet he says in the same interview obviously oblivious (intended juxtaposition)  “no hay discriminación de raza, sexo, o condición social” there is no discrimination based on race, sex or social condition
“Como somos socialistas, aceptamos y valoramos por encima de la condición sexual la condición humana, que es lo más importante, pero en una academia de policía tiene que haber hombres y mujeres que den el ejemplo”
Since we are socialists, we accept and value above the sexual condition the human condition which is the most important, but in a police academy there must be men and women that set an example.
And while he was at it he also said that hippies, tattooed, piercings etc should not go into the police force and should be sent to “al ministerio de Cultura, o al ministerio de las Comunas” the ministry of culture, or the ministry of Communes.
“Cómo nosotros vamos a formar un funcionario de policía con un zarcillo, y no tengo nada contra los que usan zarcillo" How are we going train an officer [male] with an earring, and I have nothing against those who use earrings. 

What do we get here?

I am not going to insult the intelligence of this blog readers explaining the primitive nature of that homophobia that would make proud a few homophobes in the States or Europe (though even the in Europe far right parties are much more careful than Bernal).

The problem here is that it betrays what is the mind set of chavismo, that comes as far as Chavez who albeit more careful never reprimanded those who uttered such ideas. Never Mind that the regime is peppered with noted closet cases that are usually the worst homophobes.

Clearly for chavistas like Bernal, gays (more than lesbians, of course, they just need a real male) are second class citizens, by choice, and thus should suffer the consequences, they are all live cartoon creatures and cliches, they should be sent only to certain type of jobs, those for sissies like culture (he curiously betrays his disdain of "comunas" by the way, sending them there too).

From here to send them forcibly to reeducation camps for conversion therapy, or some extermination system, the gap is not as large as you may think. It is just a matter of timetable.

Totalitarianism are all the same.

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