MALE KPOP idols WHO HAS HEIGHT ABOVE 182cm , The tallest idols ~ BeritaSeo

Yea, I know height is one important criteria for some idols, and in average, male Kpop idols are taller than other idols from other Asian country, eg Japan. We can see and often see male idols shown their spectacular body with six packs and slim tight. They look so tall and like a model. Here are the list of the tallest kpop idols: Who have the good looks good body in Kpop idols group?

1. Exo chanyeol 185 cm
2. 2pm taecyeon 185 cm

3. 2pm chansung 184cm
4. Exo sehun 183 cm
5. Cn blue minhyuk 184 cm
6. Astro sanha 184 cm

7. Nct johnny 184cm
8. Shinee minho 183 cm
9.  Tvxq changmin 185 cm
10. 2am jinwoom 185 cm
11. Top bigbang 183 cm
12. 2am seulong 186 cm
13. Pentagon yanan 186 cm
14. Seventeen mingyun 186 cm
15. Cn blue jungshin 187 cm

16. Bap zelo 188 cm
17. Cross gene takuya 188 cm

19. sf9 rowon 189 cm

20. Wooseok pentagon 189 cm

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