Clay roofing tile (ATAP) is an untapped industry for PNG ~ BeritaSeo

Clay roofing tile/photo wiki commons 

Papua New Guinea certainly has abundant untapped natural resources in diversities which are yet to be accessed and capitalized. PNG is rich in natural resources such as forestry, agriculture, fisheries, minerals and vast natural ecosystems hosting a unique range of biodiversity. Precisely, some resources are remarkably unpredictable until their potentials are wholly recognized.
One such example of a resource which has a remarkable potential to boost Papua New Guinea’s economy, is a production of ‘clay roofing tiles’ for rooftops better known as ‘atap’ in Indonesia. Clay roofing tile (atap) is made by baking red clay and earth. In Indonesia, clay tiles have been around for centuries proving their long lasting and durability attributes. Atap - clay roofing tile has proven to be the best substitute for a roofing material in building industries for many centuries with proven record of durability, less expensive, abundance and long lusting. Numerous products of roofing materials have been introduced as replacements for clay tiles nevertheless; atap still remains a re-known traditional roofing method to date, a technology which PNG can obviously tap into in a primeval fashion on a small scale industry in rural communities.  
Clay roofing tile (atap) is a successful, demanding and recognized building product in Indonesian building industries. They are heated at extremely high temperatures, around 1050ºc to avoid fading, rusting or corroding. Unlike other roofing products, clay roofing tiles are extremely low maintenance, weather resistance and possess natural thermal mass insulators which keep heat away in tropical climates, without a need for an artificial cooling system and provide natural sound insulation. 
This product is 100% natural, recyclable (environmental friendly) made from abundant locally collected clay, with a manufacturing process that reduces, reuses and recycles, further minimizing the product carbon impression. 
This concept (clay roofing tile) is theoretically an excellent prospect for Papua New Guinea industry, if it is observed from various economical perceptions. It will not only promote and boost PNG economy but, improve lifestyle, gives hope, and a long term benefit to common citizens in the remote rural communities.

Sebastian Yuwette
Soegijapranata Catholic University
Republic of Indonesia 

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