Betty Lou Oliver ~ BeritaSeo

Betty Lou Oliver was an elevator operator at the Empire State Building and she survived two major unrelated accidents on the same day!

First when a bomber hit the Empire State Building and then when the elevator that she was in, crashed 80 floors!

What happened?

Disoriented by the fog, the pilot started turning right instead of left, and, as a result B-25 Mitchell bomber crashed into the north side of the Empire State Building, carving an 5.5-by-6.1-metre hole in it.

"I had just started down from the 80th floor, and then there was a noise above me and then a great block of machinery came through the top of my car".

After treating her injuries, first aid workers put her in an elevator to send her down to the main floor.
But the cables of that elevator had been weakened by the crash, and they broke!
And as a result, Oliver plummeted 75 stories to the basement!

The free-fall of the elevator was broken by the massive coils of cables that had fallen to the bottom of the shaft. Despite suffering a broken back and legs, the operator survived.

[sources: Stories of survival and heroism]

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