What's going to happen on shingeki no kyojin ending ch 124 [Prediction] ~ BeritaSeo

Isayama sensei really plan the story well, detailed and show every perspective even from the enemy pov, there is no evil and good person, all have their objective and if it is contradicting, other side will fight for it.

If you have read my theory about attack on titan or shingeki no kyojin ending prediction, I might miss several details like how ymir actually is, a mere slave who waits someone to free her from the awful fate with royal family. And the fact that snk are heavily influenced by norse mythology. Read my old analysis here Just like armin said before, what ever zeke might be planning, it won't happened unless eren want it too. The royal blood was the catalyst to activate the founding titan power, but eren is the one who controls it. (Ch 106)

Currently, There are 10 millions collosal titan around paradise island wall, and eren has used the founding titan to activate this "killing machine/destroyer" to tremple the world, make it flat. Eren has Abandoned  path toward peace.

Let's begin the analysis, remember this keyword: Ignorance, time and devil

At one time, eldian empire used to reign, at peak of its prosperity and proof of being noble in various country. After losing the great titan war, many countries chase eldian away from their countries. What happened in the great titan war? Karl fritz ideology (who is tired for eldian wrong doing) make him worked with tybur family to present marleyan as a hero (the winner of the war). Karl fritz then isolate eldian into paradis island and create a vow of renouncing the war because of his heartfelt desire for peace. Hizuru (a nation) was an ally of the eldian empire, tried to introduce paradis to the world as something peaceful. They made a tradings deal with eldians, in return for helping Eldian empire makes friends with another nation. Hizuru will help Eldian empire for iceburst stone, the fuel of vertical maneuvering equipment (it’s valuable item that can only be found in paradis island). Trivia: Mikasa is the descendants of The last survivor of hizuru nation's top family.

Because of king fritz, eldian is 100 years behind rest of the world in term of technology advancement, they need at least 50 years to catch up. In short, eldian is in a danger for military attack from other nation. So hizuru(zeke) made 3 conditions  to protect paradis island:
1. Show the earth shaking weapon (=10 millions colossal titan) destructive potential to the world
2. Hizuru mediation, will share technology so eldian did not rely into the power of titan too much.
3. Because of point 1: eldian empire should possess founding titan and a titan of royal blood. Zeke who only got 2 years left would pass down the beast titan to historia.

Because of this conditions, historia as a royal blood need to bear as many children as possible. Historia agreed with the term as long as “the earth shaking” is necessary to eldian continued existence. At first, eren didn’t  agree to the plan, he refused to pay freedom with broken walls, flatten the world with titan, children breed and killed like livestock. We know that Eren likes Historia romantically. It’s the possible  reason why Eren couldn’t sacrifice Historia. (Ch 107)

From ch123:
Eren: Does it mean we need to rely on the 10 millions titan and have no choice to sacrifice historia?
Armin: does the world want to repeat the same evil acts our ancestors committed, can we all think of a path toward peace together? If the world found out that we only want peace...
Hange: if the world don't understand who we are  we just need to teach them.

Nevertheless, Historia is pregnant. The so called Father of the baby is a man (called it Y) who is in debt with Historia because he did bad things to her in the pass and from the same orphanage. (At least that’s what they said, but It will be mind blowing if the actual father is Eren and they hide this fact with the corporation of that Y man) Someone who want zeke to survive advise Historia to have a child. Because Historia doesn't need to eat zeke before giving birth. Who is this someone? Could be Eren who doesn’t want to sacrifice Historia.

All eldian who possesses 9 titan only have 13 years lifespan. Eren said he won't handing “the attack titan” down to any of his friends, they are more important than anyone, so he want them to live long lives. So, it isn’t surprising  to think Eren doesn’t want Historia to inherit the beast titan.

Eren: “if we had a little more time, zeke has less than 2 years, I only have 5.”
Armin: if eldian people threathen the world with rumbling (10 millions titan), it will be a nightmare, the whole world would have to live in fear. Can't we talk before things get that bad, resolved our misunderstanding.
Erin: what do u mean by misunderstanding, the world see us as monster that can turn into titans, are they wrong about it?
Armin: we need time
Eren: yes, and to buy us that time, we've got to keep them from messing with us

Commander Magath and lord Tybur think that the worlds need paradis to be the root of evil. That shared attitudes bringing them all together, protecting global stability. On ch 100, Lord Tybur and Magath plan the attack of Eldian empire, the descendant of the devils. Tybur set himself and  other eldians in the internment zone to become tragic victim of Titan’s power so the world would join force. This mean every nation would stop war with each other and switch their military invasion toward Paradis island. They (commander magath and lord tybur) said that both of them are devils for scheming this. In the end, all major nations came together to form a massive military alliance just like what willy tybur asked that day.

Thats why in ch 106, Eren said the 10 millions wall titan are the last hope that eldian has against the world. But Eren also realize that not all  the people across the ocean were their enemy.

Eren said to reiner before: I'm the same as you, I don't have any choice that's why. I did see everything on the other side of the sea as my enemy, but after cross the sea and live there, I realize that there are good people too. Over the sea, inside the wall, we're all the same. But because people who are still ignorant, thinks that eldians are demons who is a threat... I think we were  born this way. (Tybur: it is a declaration of war.) (Ch 100)

Also in Ch 109, floch said the 10 million titans secure eldian right to live, eren saved the life of the new eldian empire. Hange then counter it by saying that what eren has done only endanger eldian right to live, because the world join force to attack paradis island now. But Louise, marco fiance said: You can't save anyone without power, it's okay for us to fight against unjust violence. Floch said we can't survive without power in the first place, but eldian have 10 millions titan. Only devils would doubt their own saviour, Eren will lead the eldian nation and the only one capable to save the new eldian empire. For Floch, Eren has led them from ignorance to hope. Floch once said (ch90) to eren that eren always think he is in the right side. That's why eren never give up and won't listen to reason  and keep moving forward. This traits are also in Reiner, they keep moving forward and that they keep playing hero.(ch 100)

Armin: “we took everything from marleyan, just like what happened when wall maria collapsed. We've abandoned anyhope for peace.”

Yelena said before that two brothers are going to remake the world. But is it the case?

Armin on ch 27: “people who capable of changing things  are the one who can throw away everything dear to them. Someone who can't throw anything away, will never be able to change anything”

Well we know that Eren cares about his friends and couldn't sacrifice historia. Eren even asked hange several times: if there's another way, then tell me what it is. If we don't win, we die, if we want to win, we need to fight!

Zeke: “Ignorance are frightening”

Several highlights:
1. The corps has a serum to turn someone into titan and inherit eren's founder.
2. If the restoration of the eldian empire put the world in danger, Hizuru could never stand by and only watch
3. Sasha father said as an adults, it's our responsibility to shoulder the sins and hatred of the pass
4. Eren's father saw about what's next, about the walls being destroyed and how it’s so ghastly, and asked zeke to stop eren.
5. Djel sannes once said to hange: one exit another enter, the stage always needs someone in this role, when actor leaves, another jump in to take the role, the world will always have people like us. Maybe history is bound to repeat again
6. The next chapter probably when the Ragnarok began just like in the norse mythology. What is Ragnarok? The Vikings believed that one day the world as we know it would come to an end, they called this day for Ragnarok, (old Norse Ragnarökr). Ragnarok is not only the doom of man but also the end of the Gods and Goddesses. It will be the final battle between the Aesir and Giants. The battle will take place on the plains called Vigrid.

When most of the Gods had perished in the mutual destruction with the Giants, it is predetermined that a new world will rise up from the water, beautiful and green. Before the battle of Ragnarok, two people, Lif “a woman” and Liftraser “a man”, will find shelter in the sacred tree Yggdrasil. And when the battle is over, they will come out and repopulate the earth again. A new sun, the daughter of the previous one, will rise in the sky. And all of this will be presided over by a new, almighty ruler.

Would we have Historia’s child as the new sun? The two remaining human that will tell the story, is it mikasa and armin or jean? Will the history are bound to repeat itself?

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