SINNER ch 7 (2 Language) ~ BeritaSeo


We don't need to wait for long until our meals are served. In my plate there are 5 slices of beef, grilled into perfection and  the aromatic parsley butter sauce smells really good. On the side, the mashed potatoes along with some mushroom and salads as dressing styled beautifully. It looks expensive and I haven't had this kind of this for years... the last one I remember is when our dorm head treat me to a fancy restaurant for my 14th birthday. Before eating, of course Tim and I did not forget to pray first. The opportunity to be able to eat luxury food like this is fairly rare, of course the food also tastes good. I try to eat slowly while enjoying each bite, one by one. How lucky of those who can eat food like this every day.
"Thank you for the meals Tim, I don't think I deserve something like this just for accompanying you. You've been a great brother to me... always." Tell me to Tim
Ilios, you know ... you look different from the others, even from when you first came to the dormitory, you looks so fragile. Somehow you've made me want to watch for you.' Tim tried to start the conversation.

"Really?" I asked

"Yes, you might not remember because a few days since your arrival at the dormitory, there was an accident, since then thankfully you began to open up and try to blend with other kids. You used to be so stiff, cautious and had difficulty mingling with others."- Said Tim

"Hmm ..  what I can remember about the pass is that I was left by my parents when I was 6 years old. The head master told me that my parent would come to take back on me after their problem is solved, and the condition had improved. But that's just bullshit, I'm still here! Doubt that head master is still in contact with my original parents...."

"Well, you never knew about the future.... Ah, speaking about the headmaster.... actually I was thinking of stealing the expensive suit that he kept well in his wardrobe. You also saw that clothes when you're told to clean up the dormitory's room, right? The clothes seems quite valuable for him, that makes me feel bad for stealing it. So I give it up, after all I owe a debt to him. " Said Tim.

"Ah... the clothes... after you receive the clothes from Jack, are you leaving?" I asked while continuing the topic that had been started by Tim

"Yes, and probably never coming back again ... I never thought I could get this chance. I mean ... how could us... from Cordville,  dream of moving to the inner district or perhaps to Gwendolyn district?  If possible, I would love to bring you with me." Said Tim

"Well, you don't need to feel bad about me. So what's your plan after you're there?" I asked.

"I need to adapt fast, copying their life style and try to blend in. I need to find any job as fast as I could... save some money, establish my place there.. and of course if I find a way to get you there, I will definitely notify you. So don't move from the dormitory for the time being, OK? Inform me if you have plans to move. " Said Tim
Kami tidak perlu menunggu lama sampai makanan siap dihidangkan. Piring ku tertata 5 lembar steak sapi yang dipanggang secara sempurna. Makanan ini terlihat mahal, seingatku aku sudah lama tidak makan makanan seperti ini dalam beberapa tahun belakangan. Terakhir yang aku ingat, waktu kepala asrama menraktirku makan untuk merayakan ulang tahunku yang ke 14. Sebelum makan, tentu saja Tim dan aku tidak lupa untuk berdoa terlebih dahulu. Kesempatan untuk bisa makan makanan mewah seperti ini cukup terbilang jarang, tentu saja rasanya pasti enak. Aku berusaha makan dengan perlahan sambil menikmati tiap gigitan dengan baik. Betapa beruntungnya mereka yang bisa makan makanan seperti ini setiap hari. 

Ilion, kau tahu... sebenarnya dari dulu aku telah memperhatikanmu.... kau tampak berbeda dari yang lain, bahkan dari saat kau datang pertama kali di asrama. Tim berusaha memulai pembicaraan.

Masa sih? Tanyaku

Ya, kau mungkin tidak ingat karena beberapa hari semenjak kedatanganmu ke asrama terjadi sebuah kecelakaan, semenjak itu kau berubah menjadi lebih ramah. Padahal awalnya kau tampak sangat kaku dan kesulitan berbaur dengan yang lain.

Hmm.. kepala  asrama hanya memberi tahuku kalau, aku dititipkan oleh orang tuaku saat masih berumur 6 tahun. Kepala asrama selalu bilang kalau suatu saat nanti mereka berencana membawaku pulang kembali jika kondisi mereka sudah membaik. Tapi itu hanyalah omong kosong, karena sampai sekarang buktinya aku masih disini. Kepala asrama pun sudah tidak pernah mengungkit mengenai orang tuaku lagi.

"Ah, omong-omong soal kepala asrama... sebenarnya aku sempat berpikir untuk mencuri jas mahal yang kepala asrama simpan dengan baik di lemari bajunya. Kau juga pernah melihatnya sewaktu disuruh membereskan kamar milik kepala asrama kan? Tetapi karena tampaknya baju itu cukup berharga bagi kepala asrama, aku menjadi merasa tidak enak untuk mencurinya. Mau bagaimana pun aku sedikit berhutang budi dengan beliau." Ucap Tim.

"Jadi kamu akan pergi?" Tanyaku sambil menyambung topik yang telah dimulai oleh Tim.

"Ya, dan mungkin tidak akan pernah kembali lagi.... maafkan aku Ilios karena aku tidak bisa membawamu pergi bersamaku. Aku juga tidak pernah berpikir bisa mendapatkan kesempatan ini. Maksudku... bagaimana bisa penghuni Cordville bermimpi untuk pindah ke distrik Gwendolyn? Ucap Tim.

"Yah, kau tidak memiliki utang padaku, jadi kau tidak perlu merasa tidak enak kepadaku. Jadi apa rencanamu setelah kau disana?" Tanyaku pada Tim.

"Pastinya aku akan beradaptasi terlebih dahulu dengan orang disana, sebaik mungkin untuk bisa berbaur dan mencari pekerjaan apapun itu. Tentu saja jika aku menemukan cara untuk memasukkan kamu kesana, aku pasti akan mengabarimu. Jadi jangan berpindah dari asrama untuk sementara ini, Ok? Kabari aku jika kau memiliki rencana untuk pindah." Ucap Tim

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