SINNERS ch 6 ~ BeritaSeo

“Hey Jack, Long time no see! How is Jill’s condition this past days. I heard he was sick?” Tim said.
“Hopefully good, I think, I believe he can move around happily doing what he want now.
 What kind of rubbish do you bring this time?”
 Jack is looking toward Tim’s grey bag with curious look. Tim then pulling up several make up that he found before and give it to Jack for examination.
After awhile, Jack move back behind the cashier and take some money, not much, but enough to have a nice dinner in the bar. “Take it, and leave…. I give some extra money as bonus, for a little bit luck, since

I’ve been struck with bad luck nowadays.” Jack said.
 “Wait, I don’t need this, you can take this money back… actually what I need is something else. I want you to provide me a nice outfit you can find in this city. “
Tim Said “Hmm.. why do you need that?” Jack become curious.

After hesitate a bit, looking around and become more cautious, Tim then put his hand into his pocket. He pulled out a silver colored card from the brown jacket he wore, no... more likely a platinum, size just like a small postcard.
“Here, I think you already know what it is”. Tim said
“Interesting….. How do you get that? People could kill each other for that. If my guess is correct, it’s a permit to access into a deeper zone of this district, place where only several high class and aristocrat can live. I don’t even know what does it look inside, since no one who have entered, come out again to tell the story. Of course you need to look good, for the guard pass you through the gate.” Jack said.

 “I know, that’s why I only show it to you, because you’re the only one I can trust, not have any desire to access the deeper zone. You are pretty settle with things here, living with Jill and such, running this store...” Tim said.

 “….. Got it…. Give me 1 hour to prepare everything. I need to ask Jill to bring the outfit here.” Jack said. 

We prefer not to wait in the store. Tim asked me to follow him to the bar, just like his promise before, he will treat me today. Little did I know, it’s actually a farewell party for Tim and I. 

We arrived soon after, the bar looks glamour, sparkling and very cold. Tim tell me to order whatever I want, but when I look into the price on the menu, I automatically pick the less expensive one on the menu…. At least it isn’t water, which is free here by the way. It’s actually surprised me because it’s pretty expensive to buy water in our hometown. One more things that is quiet different from Cordville, that he doesn’t find one dead body in the ground who have her “Sins” turn into 0 because of poverty. Yes, poverty ....  because people end up fallen into sin for stealing food to survive.


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