I’m really curious about what Tim have found from the outer area. I kinda pressured him to spill the beans, but he still won’t show it to me. He really looks cautious in a way that I feel he really have found something that is so valuable and may bring us a problem if people around us know that we bring it in our luggage. There are many robbery cases happened everyday and we don’t want to become one of the victims.

Not long after, our train arrived at Clyde station, located near the entrance to Houzz city center. Houzz is a capital city, house of many skyscrapers with sparkling neon lights, government buildings, elite housing, bars, casinos and night clubs that surrounded by tall black walls guarded 24/7 by the military. There is no direct access from Cordville to Houzz, no one can enter Houzz without permit. First, we need to report our arrival to local authority, fill some papers and pay some fee. As a 3rd class worker, we get rejected a lot to enter the city because they treat us like criminal and assume that we don’t have manners and uneducated. We realize that it’s much easier if we spend extra money to bribe some officer there, so we could enter the city without hassle. The world is already corrupt anyway.
It took us about 1 hour to finish our report and get our permit. We moved into checking area, the last stop before we finally enter the city. There is a long line already, so we need to wait until it’s our turn. The officer will check our luggage, whole body and validate our identity. I saw Tim tried to hide something inside his mouth and under his underwear before we pass through the gate. One of the officer who looks kinda nice with sleepy face open conversation with me. He asked me about what business I have to come into the city.
“Do you come for honeymoon?” The tall officer asked, moving his finger pointed from me to Tim.
“What? no! We’re just friend. We need to visit one of our friends who work inside the city.” I respond him right away. Luckily, Tim doesn’t hear his blabbering. There is plenty of couples around who tried to spend their weekend having fun in the city, so maybe that officer mistook me and Tim as one of the couple.
“Well, I hope you two will have a good time in the city. My advice is stay away from gambling and night club if you don’t seek some trouble from the most frightening people here. ” He spoke without listening my words.
Tim and I went to Jill and Jack auction shop right away. It looks like a small dark colored shop at a dead end with minimum exposure or lighting, pinched between other two tall buildings. From outside, it looks pretty ruin and old, the windows is bunged up of thick dust and the wall paint is chipped. But you will be surprise when you enter this shop, it’s brand new inside. The interior is minimalist yet looks modern, it’s bright with comfortable room temperature and sweet aromatics fragrant. It isn’t big, but looks quite spacious and tidy where several display cabinet lining along the wall.
“How can I help you?” a familiar voice comes behind a desk, where someone with white long sleeves shirts and a gray vest is sitting there. His slender body leaning on a wooden chair, facing towards our direction with his two eyes under thick eye glasses. It’s Jill, the youngest brother of Steins family, who run one of Steins family business for years with his husband, Jack.
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