You're not supposed to throw out unused pills in the trash? ~ BeritaSeo

Pann: Don't throw out pills in the trash

1. [+256, -4] I collected unused pills and took them to the pharmacy, but they told me they just toss them into the trash. The pharmacy was wrong, right?

2. [+240, -11] This is true. My household collects expired pills and takes them to the pharmacy to get rid of them. If you throw them away in the trash, it will pollute the environment seriously. Things like antibiotics and steroids will melt into the nature and it takes a very long time to be neutralized. And the pharmacy will get their points increased if they trash pills correctly... It's also good for the pharmacy so make sure to take expired pills to them~

3. [+170, -4] Oh, I didn't know.

4. [+148, -0] Things like this should be publicized in public advertisements. It's directly related to environmental pollution. Like how we separate batteries and oils when we trash, separating pills should also become a norm.

5. [+133, -1] The pharmacists are supposed to explain this when they sell the pills but I've never had any pharmacist explaining this to me. There's only a trash bin for pills in the corner of the pharmacy. Even the top comment says the pharmacists toss them into the trash ㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+104, -1] I knew this. I used to work part-time at a pharmacy. Whenever someone brought unused pills, the pharmacist swore so much after and complained that people were making him do extra work. The pharmacist I worked for was the worst one.

7. [+86, -1] This type of information should be displayed at the pharmacy. I didn't know ㅋㅋ

8. [+77, -2] I've never heard of this. Why don't they promote things like this?

9. [+65, -2] I used to work at a pharmacy and the pharmacist hated it whenever people brought pills to trash. Sometimes, the pharmacist re-used the pills.

10. [+59, -3] I don't trust the pharmacy because they might recycle the pills.

11. [+42, -0] I brought them to the pharmacy but the pharmacist was annoyed and told me I didn't have to bring them. Since then, I've been tossing them into the trash. Was I supposed to report the pharmacist?

12. [+41, -0] I also learned this in an English comprehension question. The antibiotics will go into the river and the organisms start consuming the antibiotics. Eventually, the humans who are at the top of the pyramid will consume a large amount of the antibiotics.

13. [+39, -0] I've seen this on TV before. If pills are thrown in the trash and they end up at a landfill, the pills will melt into the soil. Then the animals will consume the plants grown from the soil and it goes on...

14. [+36, -0] A pharmacist on Youtube said it's not mandatory for pharmacists, it's up to the pharmacist whether to take unused pills or not. It's better to call beforehand to check if they'll take them.

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