He commented that Indonesian government has charged Djoko Chandra for Banking fraud and lists him as a criminal fugitive that needs to go back and pay for his crimes committed in his country but PNG government has granted him citizenship and seem to be protecting him.
"PNG must be careful of harboring such international criminal wanted by Interpol and his own country for money laundering and other fraudulent crimes as it gives a bad picture of us to the rest of the international community and the rest of the world," said Juffa.
Furthermore, he said that the decision to grant citizenship to fugitive Djoko Chandra at that time was a unilateral decision made by Acting Foreign Affairs Minister then Anno Pala, as the Citizenship Committee never sat to discuss this matter.
"There are questions that needs answers regarding this matter. PNG welcomes investors and is willing to grant citizenship to persons who qualify but Chandra does not qualify at all," said Juffa.
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