Former Attorney General Kerenga Kua resigns from NA party ~ BeritaSeo

Kerenga Kua resigns from National Alliance Party
Papua New Guinea's former Attorney General and Member for Sinasina Yongomugl , Kerenga Kua, has announced his resignation from the National Alliance Party, as of Wednesday the 13th of April 2016. Mr. Kua says, his resignation follows numerous requests from his constituents urging him to leave the party and the current government, as a sign of protest against the massive instances of gross mismanagement, that is implicating the Prime Minister and the current government.

Mr. Kua says that he has satisfied all requirements by informing his Party Leader Patrick Pruaitch, General Secretary Steven Pokawin, and the Office of the Registrar of Political Parties on his move, and he will be announcing his next moves soon.  NBC/ PNG Today

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