Chicken and Feed project to start in Sepik plains ~ BeritaSeo

The first of many potential large scale agriculture project in the Sepik Plains Special Economic Zone is set to commence in the next two months following a high level visit by the LR Group from Israel and its potential partner, Kumul Consolidated Holdings (KCH) to the project site at Haripmo village in the East Yangoru LLG this week.
The villagers from Haripmo village dressed in traditional attires, danced and chanted songs to welcome the investors who were accompanied by their Local Member and Minister for Trade Commerce & Industry, Richard Maru and East Yangoru LLG President, Jeffrey Waffi.
The Local level Government Members and the people of Haripmo and neighboring villages in the Sepik Plains were pleased to see the investors.
They say they have waited for 47 years for investors and developers to come and bring about changes and developments.
“Our grandparents who gave the Kanaukil and to the State have died whilst waiting for investors”, said local leaders of Haripmo village.
The investors were touched by the way they were being welcomed by the people of Haripmo village and the peoples eagerness to see the project start so they can truly see changes and services including better roads, health services, seek formal employment opportunities and participate in outgrower chicken business as well as producing corn and cassava sell to the Feed mill for chicken feed production.
The new Joint Venture Agriculture Company will be called Sepik Agro Industries Limited. The initial owners of the company will be KCH(State) and the LR Group. After the business is established, the local communities, the people of East Sepik, LLG’s and East Sepik Provincial Government will be invited to buy shares in the new company.
The project will be developed over 5000 hactres owned by the State. The business will also include a cocoa farm which will involve the new drip feed technology from Israel which has the potential to increase cocoa yield by 300-400 percent.
The company will create 300 new job opportunities and thousands of outgrowerchicken,cocoa,corn and cassava farms right across East Sepik Province.
A shareholder Agreement between KCH and LR Group will be finalised in the coming week to pave way for the signing which will signify the initial start of the project.The chicken and eggs for this project should replace chicken and eggs shipped from Lae to both the East Sepik and SandaunProvinces.
Minister Maru said his people have suffered with the Cocoa Pod Borer and low cocoa prices because of their over reliance on cocoa for income and never had alternative businesses and cannot wait to see phase one of the project be developed at the cost of K50 million, resulting in many spin off business opportunities.

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