» Cube
» jino
» SM
» Trainee
» yang hong seok
» YG
» Yang Hong Seok (YG) & Jino (SM) as Cube trainees
Yang Hong Seok (YG) & Jino (SM) as Cube trainees
Posted by BeritaSeo -
At 21.27 -
Have 0
Pann: SM-YG trainees who became Cube trainees
1. [+36, -5] Cube always takes trainees from the big 3. Can't they train their own trainees? Recycled company ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
2. [+29, -1] Jino... Before EXO teasers were out, I was certain that he'd debut in EXO...
3. [+27, -3] Hul... so he went to Cube. Why did he go there when the company is declining, tsk tsk.
4. [+15, -0] The guy on the left is Yang Hong Seok and the guy on right is Jino. Both will debut in Pentagon.
5. [+12, -0] Yang Hong Seok's personality is fully revealed but he's still debuting ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
6. [+9, -7] Cube is being picky with visuals after the flop of ugly BTOB
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