Internet-based travel agent to visit Fiji ~ BeritaSeo

By Pitz Solo Kaulga

US-based Online Travel Company, HopRocket will make a business trip into Fiji next week. The team led by the founder and CEO Fred Ninow will visit Nadi, Sigatoka and Suva city next week. The purpose of the visit is to establish links with travel service providers in the country and Pacific. HopRocket spokesman Al Noka said they are looking forward to seeing Fiji and meeting new vendors like local hotels as Fiji is one of the growing Pacific Island countries in tourism. 

HopRocket has brought the same business model pioneered by companies like Costco and Sam's Club in retail to travel industry. This allows clients to make travel purchases at wholesale prices far below what nay other booking engine can offer. Its competitors in the travel industry like Xstream Travel, Intele Travel, Paycation Travel,, Travelocity, and others all sell travel.

Its visit to Fiji is expected to extend its networks into the Pacific and increases tourist numbers for Fiji and other Pacific Island countries.

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