Love Facts: Painkillers ~ BeritaSeo

Cuddling Releases Natural Painkillers

If you love cuddling, then you will be happy to know that cuddling is known to release natural painkillers. When two people embrace or cuddle, their brains release oxytocin, which is a cuddle hormone. Oxytocin helps to decrease headaches and can help pain go away for up to 4 hours. So if you are feeling tired, stressed, or in pain – cuddling is a great alternative to any painkillers. 

Premature newborns suffered less if they experienced skin-to-skin contact with their mother as they underwent a painful medical procedure, their study found.
A cuddle also appeared to help babies recover from pain more quickly.
As well as confirming the power of a mother's touch, the research could offer a way of helping to relieve pain in children who are too young to take painkillers.
Scientists registered the facial reactions, heart rate, and blood oxygen levels of 61 premature babies as they underwent a heel lance, which is used to take blood samples from the extremely young.
The findings, published in the journal BMC Paediatrics, show that the signs of pain fell by half when babies were in their mother's arms. Within three minutes the babies' reactions had returned to normal, while those who were not cuddled were still in pain.

[read more: The Telegraph]

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