Twitter took me sometime to warm up to. But I did though I never took full advantage of it, e.g., finding it ridiculous to follow everyone that followed just to bulk up numbers (trying to avoid doing the hypocrisy, like I do in Facebook, of masking people). Or failing to understand why I should put narcissistically on Twitter where I eat or feel. Do people actually care much about that? I am sorry, I cannot do it, not even for my friends. I call them and talk when I am interested in their lives. Please, forgive me for not following most of you, it is not personal, it is simply a lack of time.
But finally a week ago I yielded to check on what was Instagram all about. And this one may well be the one I was looking for! The more so that crisis pictures are going to abound and finding time for blogging is more and more difficult. Instagram could be a snappy way to report short stuff that I cannot write on blog but is still interesting to report on.
So, please welcome @duquenal_at_vnv , this blog Instagram support. Do not expect it to be running fast and smooth. I need to get a hand on it but I have a feeling that pictures of protests and empty shelves and long lines will be easy to come up with. Which will not stop me from putting nice pictures of Venezuela which I have even less time to figure on this blog.
Hope to see some of you there!
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