Venezuela News on Instagram ~ BeritaSeo

I have never liked Facebook and have only a private page for some relatives and friends, more by obligation than anything else. The attempt I did for a parallel Facebook page for the blog just consumed much of my time for something that did not seem worth it. Maybe if someone would collaborate in keeping it up, someone willing to add entries? At any rate after forgetting about it for months I did the logical thing and erased it.

Twitter took me sometime to warm up to. But I did though I never took full advantage of it, e.g., finding it ridiculous to follow everyone that followed just to bulk up numbers (trying to avoid doing the hypocrisy, like I do in Facebook, of masking people). Or failing to understand why I should put narcissistically on Twitter where I eat or feel. Do people actually care much about that? I am sorry, I cannot do it, not even for my friends. I call them and talk when I am interested in their lives.  Please, forgive me for not following most of you, it is not personal, it is simply a lack of time.

But finally a week ago I yielded to check on what was Instagram all about. And this one may well be the one I was looking for!  The more so that crisis pictures are going to abound and finding time for blogging is more and more difficult. Instagram could be a snappy way to report short stuff that I cannot write on blog but is still interesting to report on.

So, please welcome @duquenal_at_vnv , this blog Instagram support.  Do not expect it to be running fast and smooth. I need to get a hand on it but I have a feeling that pictures of protests and empty shelves and long lines will be easy to come up with.  Which will not stop me from putting nice pictures of Venezuela which I have even less time to figure on this blog.

Hope to see some of you there!

Bagikan ke

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