Update for Sunday, September 20, 2015 ~ BeritaSeo

The NYT's David Phillips tells the story of the second battalion of the Seventh Marines, whose veterans are plagued by PTSD and suicide. (You may need a subscription.) The 2/7 served in Helmand Province and saw the hardest combat.

Meanwhile, in Afghanistan, the security situation continues to deteriorate as taliban destroy 2 police vehicles and 5 shops in Logar.

 Taliban attack a police post in Badakshan, kill 6 police and take a tank, a truck, 5 automatic rifles and a machine gun.

Taliban order villagers in Ghazni to evacuate.

Roadside bomb kills 5 police in Paktia.

Two civilians killed and 2 injured in separate explosions in Kandahar.

Five civilians injured in an explosion in Samangan. (Note that the violence is spreading to formerly relatively peaceful areas.)

Militants using the Islamic State brand have forced the closure of 58 schools in Nangarhar, leaving 300,000 children without education.

Pakistan claims an attack on an air force base in Badaber was launched from Afghan territory.

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