At any rate after a tortuous press announcement where CNE head Tibisay Lucena attacked everyone for "distortion" of reality when she could have done the announcement on a web page weeks ago she said they would be held on December 6, which was the legal date all along. Attacking Twitter will not save Tibisay from the established charges that she is a mere minister of pseudo electoral affairs of the regime.
And speaking of Twitter the first consequence to be expected:
Listo, la elección es el 6-12. Levanten esa huelga— Edgar Baptista (@edgarmanuel) June 22, 2015
That is, may all the hunger strikes, starting with the one from Leopoldo who cannot walk anymore, be lifted.
Update: Lucena has also announced that the only allowed "observers" will be those from UNASUR, rejecting OAS and EU observers. That is already a guarantee that there will be electoral fraud. Not that it may be enough to stop a plausible opposition victory but remember that the goal here is to prevent that the Venezuelan opposition gets 3/5 of parliament which would allow it to reverse some of the authoritarian measure of the regime. In addition it is easier for the regime to break a mere majority through threat and bribery than to break a 3/5 majority. Now it is up to the MUD to steel itself and demand more guarantees. I am not holding my breath.
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