I took the opportunity of Easter week, traditionally the lowest readership week with the one between Christmas and New Year, to run a poll.
Even though visitors kept at a brisk pace (over 4000 unique visitor a day but I suspect at least half coming from those robot spam visits links that one should never open and that Google normally cleanses but has been remiss lately) I figured out that this week represents more regular readers than usual. Stats repeated historical results. Normally people answering a poll represent no more than 5% of those that actually visit a given page/post that week. This week it was even lower (though I did not advertise the poll, on purpose).
This is all fine because I was wondering how people feel about posts in Spanish that have become more frequent (and that are slowly but surely receiving more hits). Note: I have the feeling that people did not quite get that it was a multiple choice, but that is OK in the end.
72% say that they are bilingual enough, or not bothered by the bilingual aspect of the blog. So it stays that way.
Only 1% wanted Spanish posts elsewhere. I am sorry for those who do not like my posts in Spanish but there are here to stay. And be happy that I do not start putting some in French!
6% only wanted a Facebook page complement (I used to have one but it was a drag for me and I dropped it). So it will remain dormant.
Nobody had an opinion on Twitter. Clearly what I tweet and what I blog have a different customer base.......
2% says that my blog is drivel but 47% that I am the best, so there is a fan base and there are still chavistas that read this blog. Amusing. And heartfelt thanks tot hose who put the best even though the intention of the question was clearly a joke :-)
Finally, I suggested the idea of a PayPal box. The reception was less enthusiastic. Only 22% would not question the independence of this blog if there were a Pay Pal box and only 17% would be inclined to chip in something if requested.
Now I am going to get a little bit more on this. This blog, as you know, has never received a penny from anyone. At most it received a dozen lunch/coffee invitations over a decade. That is that. No one could have paid me to do what I have done since 2003. There is no money for that. Such a labor of love can come only from, well, love. You have it in you or you do not. As a matter of fact, I cannot think of any, ANY, chavista blog that can even remotely compare to the opposition blogs that you all know so well. Think about it for a minute.... A mercenary runs for only so long, no matter how much money is involved.
But times have changed, currency here is worthless. Who knows what I may need to write some day, such as paying for a domain outside of Venezuela if blogger is blocked or something. Clearly making a living from this blog has never been an option, no matter how many advertising box one could put, an even less tasteful prospect than a PayPal box.
So I am confirmed in that my reputation of independence is one of the main values of that blog. Yet if need arises I should be ready to put up a PayPal box so as to pay for a domain, or a trip overseas to attend a conference on human rights. Or something of the kind. Never for personal gain, you can be assured of that. The 78% of you that remained silent can be reassured.
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