Today, since all of his accusations have yielded no response from the US of A (at least none that he was looking for) Maduro decided to demand visas to US citizens who would want to visit Venezuela, that these visas will require payment of fees, and that there will be a list of people form the US that will be banned from coming to Venezuela. No visas for Bush, Rubio, Menendez, etc... Bland report from BBC here, as expected; heartier coverage here if you read Spanish.
For good measure Maduro demanded a reduction of US personnel in its embassy, bringing them down to what Venezuela has in the US. And while at it he demanded a world wide revolt against US imperialism.
There was no word about Maduro being coherent and stopping sending oil to the US.
As usual, a dog that barks rarely bites. Never mind that there is no reason in hell that US folks in the list would ever want to come to Venezuela, at least under the present situation. Oh, I forgot, if there is so "much" US personnel in the US embassy it is because people want to go from Caracas to Miami, not from the Us to Venezuela.
Move on, nothing to be seen here, just an idiot ranting. Care not.
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