Too many things have happened since I posted last on February 2. No point recapping it all. Then again people consult blogs more for interpretation and opinion than news. At least this is what I do. Google News does a fine job to keep you up to date (though not on Venezuela as official media is now so dense that it is hard to fish out real news #GoogleFail).
So I decided to try to write a series, as brief as possible, to let the reader try to understand what is going on right now. As the Venezuelan expression runs, we are at El llegadero which is a concept word here, meaning we have reached a nasty point we should have reached long ago no matter what we did to try to avoid reaching it. Something like that. I will highlight the links below as the entries are written so this post will remain on top for a few days. And will be changing as needed. Click on the ones that interest you. At their end you can return here with a click.
- Why there cannot be a peaceful transition
- Why we are flat broke and in an nonviable system
- Why the regime has/has-not devaluated the currency
- Why is the regime jailing private enterprise (and this blogger threatened)
- Why the regime's real agenda may not be what it seems
- Why is the opposition so lackluster
and more, or less, as needed.
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