Do not think it that far from chavista land to the Islamic State ~ BeritaSeo

Find the 7 differences:

You could not? You won! There are no differences!

They share the same mental construct, those that rewrite or destroy history because they do not like it, because it is not convenient, or because they are idiots. Be they the chavistas who tumbled down the statue of Columbus in Caracas on October 2004, or ISIS fighters trashing the archeological museum at Mosul, they are the same crap. Nor do they care whether the pieces are original: what matters is the iconoclastic gesture. And if truly worthy pieces like in Bamiyan must be blown up, so be it.

What separates for now chavista jack asses from ISIS murderers is just  a matter of crime intensity and the specifics. In the end they are both the product of fundamentalist alienation.

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